We have lots of exciting things we would like to announce…but the time isn’t right just yet. We have to wait and so do you! But I can tell you, we haven’t gone under ground, Mad Artwork are like a bubbly cauldron that’s waiting to brim over. Anyway, here’s some news:
We are proud to announce a tour this fall, it will be a continuation of our ”I Still Breathe Tour”. We will start the tour 23rd of november with a concert at ”Sweden Prog Fest” in Stockholm, Swedens biggest festival for Progressive Rock.
During the tour we will climb our long, dark and cold country whole the way up to the top. Don’t worry southern Sweden, we’ll come to you as well, we just want to say hello to our friends in the north one more time before we leave for warmer latitude. Actually we just love the dark and cold. Hopefully we’ll have as cold weather as in the picture below, -42 °C! Believe me, it’s hard to look cool when your face is totally frozen, but we’re up for the task.
Congratulations to our own Mad Scientist! Simon has skills not only on the 10-stringed Mandolin of Doom, but also in the laboratory and for these skills Simon got this prestigious award. The only thing that’s missing is the cat and Simon will be a true James Bond-villain.http://www.wallstiftelsen.se/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=225%3Amusikalisk-biotekniker-flyttar-labbet-till-datorn&catid=14&Itemid=2&lang=sv
During this spring we made a gig at the Music Academy to celebrate Daniel for his degree. It was a blast, and we made the place shake with our Mad Rock ’n Roll. A big thanks to Nadja Flood who did a great job suporting us during the evening. And CONGRATULATIONS to Daniel for his degree!
As you may see we have now published a complete biography, hope you’ll enjoy the reading.
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