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Tour diary

Thank you all who came to support our show in every town, it’s always a joy playing for you and we had a great week. Now the rest of the band has left me in the north while they are back home in Uppsala & Stockholm. It’s sad, but we’ll see each...

Tour premiére and day II

Tour premiére! We’re sitting in the tour bus and have just finnished our first meal for today. We have a 10 hour trip to Luleå ahead of us…the time is now 00.00 Friday. We had our tour premiére in Stockholm at Sweden Prog Fest a few hours ago and it was a pretty rough...

I Still Breathe Tour Part II

Hey everybody! Some days ago we ended the last rehersal before going on I Still Breathe Tour Part II. We’re almost there and the waiting is driving us mad and even more hungry of getting on stage playing for you. You can really feel Simons hunger in this...

Biography, Tour and Congratulations

We have lots of exciting things we would like to announce…but the time isn’t right just yet. We have to wait and so do you! But I can tell you, we haven’t gone under ground, Mad Artwork are like a bubbly cauldron that’s waiting to brim over. Anyway, here’s some news:...

Long time no see! Some news since the last update:

After our tour in January we decided it was time to update our setlist, so we went hunting the right inspiration. Simon walked 180 kilometers to his little cottage outside of Bollnäs to chop wood. Daniel hanged his axe (his Fender jazz bass) on the wall to spend time...

Day 12, 13 & Tour Final

We had a fantastic tour. Thanks to everybody who came to see us, it was a joy playing for you! Tour final Well, what else can we say, but…what a amazing tour final! Uppsala´s Hijazz was crowded and the spirits were high. Thank you everybody! You can read a...